Phase II C.R.E.A.M | Haitian Sensation | Shark Patronus | Your Huckleberry | T's ClayBaby
Running further into the obstacle course, Cutty could see the bright reflection of artificial sun cutting through the thick canopy at a horizontal angle. From what he could see it was not stationary and it danced a bit upon the leaves and trunks.
He could dunk in there and maybe the few remaining insects would lose interest in him with their tiny buggy attention spans. Cutty skidded to a stop, knocking a startled capybara into the body of water and watching as it sank in a champagne of blood and bubbles. He did not hear it scream.
Don't go in there.
Cutty turned, annoyed with the insects and fascinated with the new found use of this particular body of water. "Arresto Momentum." He said firing at the swarms very worst stragglers. He needed water, though and dipping ones hands into a piranha infested river was a no go. This would be the time to use the animal into goblet spell...or it should've been. That is, if he loud, murderous and inconsiderate arrival at the river hadn't scared off all of the wild life in the immediate radius.
All that remained was himself and the piranhas. Ever one to turn crap into poo-pow (that is to take something utterly useless and make it into something useful such as floo powder), he ventured out and circled the perimeter of the river until he came to a large rock that hung over the water. He looked to see if anyone was coming and then took his wand to his finger. "Diffindo." His wand aimed for rocks and then with the last of the magical burst he directed it to his own fingertip cutting it deeply. Perfect. He placed his bleeding finger over the water and squeeeezed.
The piranhas soon began to gather after a moment or two of chumming. His wand still in his good hand, Cutty went fishing. "Accio Piranha." SHWOOOSH! A tiny russet and silvery body broke the surface of the water and landed with a soft flop next to the older snake boy where it continued to flop aggressively. Cutty kept his eye on it even as he stood. Aiming his wand to it he said, "Vera Verto.", then calmly watched as it took on it's new form. A striking metallic goblet with a gradient sheen to it.
Cutty chortled and walked over to the goblet. "Episkey.", he said taking a moment to heal his self-inflicted wound before picking up the goblet. He exhaled and inhaled once as he tilted the tip of his wand over the rim of the cup. "Aquamenti." He wasn't about to risk Montezuma's revenge.
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