Lovely™ | Captain Hurted | Ariana's Bane | Resident Antagonist | Unparalleled Delight
Toby had, um... actually forgotten about this meeting. Completely and utterly. He'd been down visiting his fairies in the creature housing area when he eventually did remember, and that was only 'cause he'd had the idea to try and somehow write an article about the adorable little creatures. He wasn't late, at least, but he had ended up having to say some very hurried goodbyes and apologies before sprinting back off to the castle and up to the fourth floor.
Reaching the library had been... dramatic, like he was a man on a mission. And then arriving at the corner room for the meeting, even moreso. Instead of skidding to a halt outside the door before entering (like he'd meant to), Toby totally misjudged it and ran - SMACK! - into the wall. From within it sounded like a dull *clunk*, followed by slightly muffled, "ow."
BUT HE WAS HERE. And... on time. Still early actually, wow. So... the panic had been totally unnecessary? Good to know. Toby winced, rubbing his forehead where it had connected with the wall, and pushed open the door into the corner room.
..... Had they heard that? ".......................... Hi." Ow.
They'd probably heard it. Merlin. Toby went for the nearest empty chair (almost, ALMOST, going for the one that housed a snoozing cat, ALMOST), and sank into it, recovering from the impromptu run up here.
He'd not even limbered up, probably ended up pulling a muscle. No doubt he'd know all about THAT when his headache went away. SIGH. He tried his best not to appear too grumpy.
Seventh year did things to a person.
__________________ Days of Potter 2023:___________________________ Which Bertie Botts Flavour Are You?  You are Chocolate! |