AJ was such a good friend. Lux smiled at her partner in appreciation, squeezing her hand back in return. Even though she wasn't too confident on how things would go, she'd try her best. Maybe it wouldn't be TOO bad - like the wooden bridge on the grounds. Only thing was that Lux knew that was secure and could avert her eyes from the sides. This bridge looked a lot less safe. For what felt like the millionth time she tried to remind herself that it was an illusion and they were in the Transfiguration classroom.
As she shined the light so that AJ could see, Lux watched as progress was made without looking at anything besides the pieces of wood. Yes, this was much better. Heights weren't her biggest fear, but they could be VERY problematic. Quigley's last class had NOT helped either; being launched into the air like a rocket wasn't good for anyone.
Soon enough all the boards were laid across. It was now or never. Partly to stall heading across and partly because it seemed to work, Lux began applying the solution to her bites. Aaaaah, much better. "Thank goodness for Essence of Murtlap." Always worked like a charm. Poor muggles who had to suffer through bug bites without it. Placing the empty bottlle back in her pocket, Lux figured that it was about time to move ahead. Even though she didn't want to cross the bridge, this was a race and she needed to. She had made it across the ropes with Bay and Sander back in Second Year, and she could make it across this bridge with AJ.
Nodding, she took a few more breaths to steel herself before setting foot on the bridge. The desire to close her eyes came upon her, so she shut them tight. Lux was not looking where she was going, but as she was moving in a straight line it was okay. One foot in front of another, she slowly made it across the bridge.
It was looking like Lux was having an internal struggle, but AJ gave her all the time she needed to be able to cross over the bridge. The bridge was actually really shaky which didn't bother AJ at all, but she knew that Lux must be having a hard time even if she wasn't expressing it. AJ admired her strength. This was another obstacle down which meant they were even closer to being done with this whole thing! Not taking the full ten minute break really helped them out.
"We made i---" Before she could even finish her sentence and before her left foot had time to catch up with her right foot something was charging straight at them.
"What in the..." What was it? It was huge, hairy and FAST. As it was getting closer AJ realized what it was. A giant spider. No big deal. The lion thought about her jar of pet spiders up in her common room.
"Giant spider incoming!!!" Useful, she was.
"Maybe he just wants a friend." Nothing to be scared of. Only this was Bellaire's obstacle course which meant that AJ should know better, but of course she went all roar, roar Gryffindor.
"Here spidey, spidey." It was getting closer and closer, and she was going to reach her hand out to pet it, but..
It wasn't a friendly spider at all. In fact it looked really hungry and AJ was about to be an appetizer, and Lux would be its lunch. Instead of petting it like she could any other giant creature she whacked it with her wand.
Right. Magic. Why did she keep forgetting that? What to do? While she thought about it, she tried to divert its attention and throw it of course. She had to save Lux.
Because apparently she became a dinosaur under attack. Only the spider wasn't backing down, and she JUST barely escaped before her arm was a spidey snack. Merlin.
A spell came to her, and AJ was going to try it out.
"Inflecto Telum!" Arrows were flying. Only thing was she missed because trying to aim and not die at the same time was super hard work.