♥s her SS family l Wifey is MINE | Naughty Niffler l Whittysaur l #awkwardturtle<# Haaaaaaaai, everyone!!
Lux sent all the new arrivals waves and smiles. Everyone seemed to be in a good mood for class - Damien especially so. The kiss he gave Rorie was adorable, but of course not approved of by the Professor. Kissing was amazing, just not in class. She had never kissed her boyfriend during a lesson.
As things got started, Lux giggled at Moxley putting on her listening ears. This woman was silly, and it made Muggle Studies even more fun! Taking a careful look at the picture, she raised her hand. She knew a little about muggle inventors, so this question was easy. "That's Alexander Graham Bell. He invented the telephone!" Living around muggles and having parents with muggle jobs, she definitely knew about and had used phones before. |