Charms HW 1 :: Post 5 Jedi Master•General Iroh•Java Junkie• King ♛ Stefan •Mycroft Holmes•Dragon Lord•Druid Boy "Noooo, it won't." Ethan replied chuckling at Zhenya. They'd be teased, definitely, but if the Headmistress willed it, the pink robe is not impossible. Bahaha! The younger Slytherin nodded however, confirming the cobweb business. "Saw some house-elves cleaning the portraits the other day. How they got so dirty in a short period of time is quite...suspicious." Right? He was sure that the house-elves were doing their job very well, and he was sure that they will never slack off from their duties...
After hitting the target, Ethan raised his hands once more and welcomed the blue paint with open arms. "Vic'tryyy!!!" Hehehe. Oh, and really? "If that's the case, I should let Ruby experiment on my nails. I know she's into painting her nails and what not." Well, why not? Boys do put nail paint on their fingernails yeah? He'd seen wrockstars don it.
Ethan grinned at the older Snake as he handed the paint balloon to her, and as soon as she propelled the balloon in the air, Ethan did too, and hoped that it will hit any target. "Alarte Ascendare!" SPLAT!
And it did! Lucky. "Yuuus! Vic'try is ourrsss!" Ethan skipped around the room as orange paint showered him. "That was fun." he said as he kept away his wand and removed the hood from his head. "Thanks for hanging around, Z." GRIN. Homework's always fun when you've got company. One doesn't look ridiculous that's for sure. "Let's go get dinner, shall we?" Ethan asked. "I'll race ya!" And off he zoomed out of the room.
__________________ "It didn't go quite as planned." | The Underground Studio Translation: I may have caused irreversible damage on a monumental scale. |