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The Portraits
"Bless you" Iris looked to the student that just sneezed. "Are you alright? I'm sorry about the cobwebs, these House Elves are trying to take care of it." They better at least be getting to them.
She eyed the two elves before turning her eyes back to the students. "Hello there, are you having a good term?" Finally she was getting to see some students and hopefully have a chat. There would have been loads of students by now if these bloody cobwebs weren't around.
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Toddles sees Tinkas cleanings the paintings. Toddles does sames. Toddles gets dusties and cleans the cobwebs likes mistress says. Toddles bes good elfs. Toddles no bad elf.
"Toddles is sorries misses. Toddles sorries to Lady Iris.." Toddles bows to mistress. Toddles cleans rights aways. Toddles hears studenties comings and hears sneezies.
"Is studenties alrights?" Toddles asks studenties.
Ethan just stared, realizing that he had never talked to a portrait before. He’d seen people do it, yes, but not him. He thought it was kind of funny.
“I’m alright, Ms...” Er...what’s her name?
“Your ladyship.” The Slytherin made a funny face again, and a loud sneeze escaped from him again.
“Ahhhcchhooo!!” SNIFF.
“Merlin’s socks...” he murmured to himself as he wiped his nose with his robe.
Then one of the house-elves spoke to him. Ethan shrugged, made another funny face,
“Aaahhh...” Yep. His nose changed its mind.
“I’m fine...er...” What’s his name again? Twinkle? No, Ted? No, not Ted...
“Tod.” Close enough. It’s kind of hard to remember their names, okay?
They all look the same, for crying out loud.
“Is everything...okay though?” Ethan thought the sight was unusual since the place was always clean. He has been passing by that corridor for three terms now, but this was the first time he’d seen the place with cobwebs. The house-elves aren’t slacking with their cleaning duties, are they?