SPOILER!!: Portrait and Tinka!
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The Portraits
Iris sat in her portrait looking more annoyed than usual. She always enjoyed watching the students going to lessons. It was the best part of the year in her eyes, but today she was not happy, no she was down right irritated.
She sniffled and glared, "You there, house elf, make sure you get these cobwebs." Pointing towards the corners of her frame. "I can't see a thing and it's making it very unwelcoming to students."
Why would anyone want to visit her if those cobwebs wouldn't go away. She had never had so many on her before.
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"Tinka be glad to see Toddles! There be lots of dusty dust to do around here." And cobwebs, why those be here?! The picture lady be noticing them, too!
"Tinka be sorry, Lady Iris, Toddles be sorry too," the elf squeaked in a high voice. The little elfsy ears drooped and the bony elfsy hands began to wring. "Tinka punish herself when Tinka get back to kitchens, Tinka shut away her whisk-y for whole hour!" The little elf shuddered at the very thought of no whisk-y!
So the elf hurried to get out her duster and went to work straight away, taking special care around Lady Iris.
Toddles sees Tinkas cleanings the paintings. Toddles does sames. Toddles gets dusties and cleans the cobwebs likes mistress says. Toddles bes good elfs. Toddles no bad elf.
"Toddles is sorries misses. Toddles sorries to Lady Iris.." Toddles bows to mistress. Toddles cleans rights aways. Toddles hears studenties comings and hears sneezies.
"Is studenties alrights?" Toddles asks studenties.