A ship in harbor is safe — but that is not what ships are built for.
Ahhh... and Horace Jr. A cute little thing. "He's cute." Natalia admitted as she cocked her head as if to say "hello" to the little creature. The Lioness stretched her hand and was about to stroke the owl's feature until she remembered her common courtesy. "Can I pet him?" When did Natalia become so self-conscious about asking permission? Only sometimes. "I went to Shanghai Pudong Wizarding Academy..." Natalia explained to the Hufflepuff boy. "...in Shanghai... China..." In case he confused it with Shanghai, Australia. "... Asia... Earth... Solar System..." In case Henric was not aware of those information before. "... in the Milky Way galaxy, which is in the Virgo Supercluster..." But of course, he should know that already; he lived in it! "Anyway!" Away with the awkward transition. "It was a good school, right in the middle of the city. The school campus is not very big like Hogwarts, but there are a lot more students." If one was to ask Natalia which school she preferred, she would have to say Hogwarts, because it was way less crowded and a lot more student-teacher orientated. "So what about you?" The Lioness turned back to Henric and his owl. "Have you been here all your wizarding education life?"
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