SPOILER!!: don't run Zaaaaander ;)
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The Gryffindor looked around the Common Room, hoping to find someone to swap potions with. That way he could avoid doing the HUGE essay, and just do the little mini-one. See, this Sixth Year knew how to strategize. Only there wasn't anyone around who looked like they weren't already busy... That was until he spotted Natalia. Of course Zander quickly looked away after spotting her because Merlin forbid SHE became his homework partner.
... Of course.
The world really hated him, didn't it? GUH.
Though he was entirely pained and REALLY didn't fancy a conversation with the girl, he smiled at her all the same. Being friendly to his housemates was apart of the job description. Unfortunately. Well unless that housemate was Zahra 'cause there was no way Zander would ever try to be friendly with her. But Natalia was a transfer after all. Maybe she was just trying to find her place. Doubtful. "Hey Natalia," Merlin please call in back up.
But "ZAAAAAAAANDER" was better than "the-stuttering-Prefect" so he'd take it. "Erm..... Was just about to start some potions homework," see something boring that she probably didn't want to sit around for. "What about you?" he was greatly hoping that this was the end of their little conversation. Not that he didn't like her or anything... But he just wasn't her biggest fan, okay?
What a surprise to Natalia that the Stuttering Prefect actually took the time and energy to reply to her. She had half expect Zander to look the other way and pretend he didn't hear her. The Lioness could discern the slight reluctance of the Prefect to interact with her. But, that was EXACTLY what made this FUN!
Potions homework? What a coincidence! Giving Zander a little cheesy smile, Natalia rolled open her scroll of parchment labled "Potions Homework #1" and showed it to Zander.
"Same here!" Aaaand... hopefully he saw it coming, because Natalia was planning to ask him to be her partner, whether he liked it or not.
"We should do it together!" He couldn't reject her now, unless he already have partner, or
lie about having a partner. Well, if he
lied about having a partner, then he wouldn' t be able to finish his potions homework at all. SO, there was no other route he could take, MWAHAHA. Natalia needed a partner desperately, so, it looked like Zander would be the one!
"What's your potion?" Natalia rummaged in her bag and grabbed out a small crystal phial.
"Mine's Anger." She was curious to see what effects her potions could enact.