SPOILER!!: Thundering Trio we're doing AWESOME!
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Amanda hated bugs. This was not going to be fun. She questioned why she had thought this class was a good idea. A particularly nasty one flew at her face and she had no idea what to say so she did the only thing she could think of, started swatting the bugs with her wand like a bat.
It wasn't the most effective way to go about it but it was working for her. She looked at the others casting spells and realized that she was using a wand to hit things instead of for magic. Darn her Muggle brain. She was still getting used to the idea of this whole magic thing.
She hoped nobody had noticed her smacking them around and started trying to think of spells that would help. "Ummm..... Stupefy!" She yelled at one of the bugs. She closed her eyes and opened them back up. "It worked!" She exclaimed. For once she had figured something out on her own!
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... He couldn't keep his mouth shut if he was trying to get rid of these bugs though!! Merlin, this Natalia girl was QUITE the character. But that wasn't the point here. The point was to GET AWAY from these bugs!! "Evanesco!" he casted behind him as he kept running forward, checking back periodically to make sure the others were still following along. He held his hand out for Amanda, not wanting the firstie to fall behind in the mess of trees as they went along. What in Merlin's pants was Bellaire thinking. Maybe she really did want to see Hogwarts students die.
Was this payback for Gregoire or something? Because Zander was willing to take one for the team and be the sacrifice. No need to put everyone in this kind of danger, y'know?
But either way, the spells seemed to be working. "Immobulus!" MUST RUN FASTER!! He let Natalia go in front of him, hoping that this way he'd be able to help her clear the path in front.... And then she was down. Uh. No this was bad. They couldn't waste any more time. They were finally getting somewhere. Also, uh, was she okay? He wasted no team reaching his hand forward to help pull her up. "You alright?" he waited for her to stand before walking a bit forward and turning around once more to make sure she was able to walk. "You can walk, right? Or uh, do you need me to carry you?" He actually had the muscle for it believe it or not. After carrying Sophie around the castle all the time. He could totally do it. Just it wasn't preferred, okay?
That was definitely a good moment to fall.
She was okay, though, hopefully. Her arm just felt a little bruised after the plunge, and so did her knees, but she certainly did not need anyone to CARRY her around. Natalia felt ABSOLUTELY able to support herself through the rest of her journey.
"Nope, I got it." The fourth year insisted assuredly as she attempted to support her knees... ehh.. NOPE. Okay knees, listen up and be strong... ahh... OKAY SERIOUSLY.
"I'm just going to crawl a little bit, okay?" Natalia spoke with a slight chuckle and a sheepish smile. It appeared that she didn't have to crawl a very long way (two steps by foot) until she came across... water! A pond!
"Zander! Amanda! Come here, there's water here!" As Natalia began to dip her dirt-stained hands into the water, dark movements emerged from beneath the surface, taking her by bewilderment.
"What are those things moving?" They appeared to move in water like fish do, but they were definitely a lot bigger in size than normal fish. Natalia began to notice their glistening, yellow eyes... then...
Just when the piranha jumped out of the water, it froze in mid air. HUH. STRANGE. Ten minute break, huh? GOOD. Natalia starred curiously at the fierce-looking piranha.
"We should probably think of a way to get rid of these things while we can... ten minutes, the professor said." They might as well use this time for useful pondering.