Charms Homework #1 - Post 3 Sassenach | RAVENPUFF | Sing me a song of a lass that is gone | bookDRAGON | #awkwardturtle<#
Zhenya went to grab another balloon, and was just deciding where she should put it on the ground, when she heard someone behind her. It startled her a bit, but not enough to stop the balloon. She wouldn't have liked to get paint on the ground AND ceiling. It was another Slytherin. She smiled at him and nodded, "Yep, that's me," she said cheerfully. "Ethan?" Yeah she knew that was his name, but it might have been weird if she had just said 'Hi Ethan...' though she wasn't sure why. She looked up and saw he had put his hood on, "Good thinking with the hood." It was a good idea. So, when Zhenya finally decided where to place her balloon, after carefully observing the target above, even though it probably didn't matter, she put her own hood on. She didn't want to get paint in her hair.
After a few more nervous moments of deciding what the best time was, she seemed to time it perfectly. "ALARTE ASCENDARE," she said, brandishing her wand at it. It pelted up and hit the target with so much force, she was splattered by the blue paint. She looked around her, panicking, but was relieved to see there were no droplets of blue paint on the ground, just a fine spray on her robes. Good timing with the hood!
__________________  EVASIVE | RESTLESS | MISUNDERSTOOD always on the move |