SPOILER!!: Aaadi! :D
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Adi entered the Hufflepuff Common Room after making a quick trip to the Kitchen. It was truly bliss that the two were situated in close proximity. House elves and FOOD! Who didn't like those? Anyway... Leah. Where was Leah? Adi scanned the room, in the process smiling at some of his Puffers. Oh, there she was!
Clutching the cup of hot chocolate already spiked with the gas potion (though he and Leah had already agreed to do the Divination homework together so it was no secret that the beverage contained the potion), the sixth year made a beeline for his friend at the study cushions.
"Hi, Leah! I've got this for you.'' He held out the cup with the handle facing her.
"Ready to disturb the others?" he asked jokingly as he flopped down beside the girl. Adi flipped open his text book to the page they had used in the previous class as his eyes landed on the chocolate. EEEEP!
"Chocolate for me? Oh, Leah! You shouldn't have!'' 
Here's the goofy Adi for you!
Leah looked up just in time to see Adi making his way to where she was. With a cup of hot beverage in his hands. She hoped it was something good because she had CHOCOLATE in exchange. She knew the food did not matter as long as they completed their Homework, but y'know, she was hungry anyway. She smiled as she took the cup from him. Oooh, hot chocolate! Niiice.
"Adi! Awww, thank you," she took a deep breath and got a whiff of chocolate from the drink. YUMMY.
"Of course," she laughed. The Fifth Year took a sip of her probably-already-spiked-with-potion hot chocolate.
... It was HOT. The realization made Leah spill a tiny bit of her drink onto her book. Ooops. A quick Scouring Charm and a muttered apology got that cleared. The Puff Prefect seemed excited at the sight of chocolate.
"Oh, do you not want it?" she pretended to take it back. Hehe.
"Should we use the Amplifying Charm?" she asked, serious once more. One more caaareful sip. Yep.