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Old 05-24-2015, 02:04 AM   #123 (permalink)

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Join Date: Jul 2011
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Default Phase 2
Sassenach | RAVENPUFF | Sing me a song of a lass that is gone | bookDRAGON | #awkwardturtle<#

Zhenya turned around and looked at the piranha for a few moments. Was it dead? No! It was still moving, even though it was a fish out of water. Surely it would shrivel up soon? Before she had a chance to do anything, she decided to try and transform the piranha into a goblet. She wasn't sure if it would work, but as she looked down closer, she saw that the arrow was lose. She grabbed the end of the arrow, picked it up, with the piranha on the end of it, and shook it a few times. The piranha moved, but wasn't coming OFF. So she started shaking it a bit more vigorously, and eventually the piranha plodded from the end of the arrow and onto the ground. Good, no arrow. Surely the spell would work, then. She remembered the spell from ages ago, not that she had found much practical use for it... YET. But here it was, a chance to use it. She bent close to the piranha, which seemed to be more interested in trying to fill up with water than attacking the slytherin. With her wand, she tapped the piranha 3 times, then waved it towards it, saying "Vera Verto," and she watched as the piranha transformed itself into a goblet. "OH THANK MERLIN," she exhaled, picking up the absolutely non-piranha looking goblet, and walking over to the water.


Oh, she didn't want to do all that again. What if she dropped the goblet? Sure she could pull it towards her, but surely there was an easier way? She had a think. What could she do? Couldn't summon the water into the goblet, but how could she get the goblet into the water without using her hands?


She placed it near the edge of the water, "Wingardium Leviosa," she said, swishing and flicking her wand, and the goblet levitated from the ground. She moved her wand, directing the goblet to the edge of the water, where she allowed it to dip in, filling up with beautiful, clear water, and she slowly and carefully directed the goblet back up and towards her. She reached her other hand out to collect the goblet, and skulled the water in three gulps. OH THAT WAS GOOD! She held it in one palm, pointed her wand at it and said "Wingardium Leviosa," again, swishing and flicking. She directed it back to fill it up with more water, then when she collected the goblet, she turned it upside down over her face. OH THAT WAS SO REFRESHING! She did it for a third time, but this time she sipped it a bit slower.

always on the move
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