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Eden suddenly broke out into laughter. Was it the THIRST? WAS SHE GOING CRAZY BECAUSE SHE WAS DYING OF THIRST? THIRST MADNESS. She flopped around a bit before getting to her knees and sighing.
"I'm NOT dead yet, Fuller-Thompson--" she said, using his full surname that he liked. Eden then wondered....WAS IT THOMPSON FULLER? Oh no. What if she had gotten it mixed up?! She flushed and tried to pretend that she perfectly well KNEW the preferred surname. MHMMH. She watched his neat wandwork with that frog and LEAPT up. "YAAAAS!" she said, looking around for another frog...
She couldn't see another frog...but...."Serpensortia--" she said, quickly another snake erupting from her wand. She smirked. "I do enjoy that one, as you can probably guess." She then leaned down to pick up the snake, doing what she KNEW how to do from all those handling classes she had taken. Snakes were like...second nature to the Ravenclaw now.
"Vera VERTO!" she cried(somewhat dramatically, too, because she was dying of thirst) and the snake morphed into a goblet......she grinned and held it up. "HUZZZZAH! Does this work?" she asked Toby, head tilting a little. "I'm afraid of the little...bitey fishies BITING us as we scoop up the water..." she didn't want to lose fingers. NOT TODAY.
Toby couldn't quite help the snort of laughter that escaped due to Eden's exclamation, and he wasn't surprised when she conjured up a snake for the task at hand.
"Yeah, I figured," he replied, giving a goofy grin which made him feel like his lips were gonna crack open given that he was so PARCHED. Water... need... water...
He looked back at the frog he'd been holding, knowing already that the spell had worked, because he'd felt it morph into a completely different shape in his hand. The result was something not unlike the goblets found on the tables in the Great Hall, a glass or crystal kind of affair, though Toby noted that it still had much the same of the green colouring of the frog. But no matter. It would serve its function, at the very least.
Eden was talking again, and Toby, now grinning wider at the thought of an imminent drink, glanced at her.
"Well," he said, talking in a raspy voice as he set the goblet down on the ground in front of him.
"I figured... magic might help. Wingardium Leviosa."
It wasn't a Transfiguration spell, but Bellaire (or her... patronus) had mentioned not using the muggle methods to do things. So... maybe this counted? Toby swished and flicked his wand at the goblet, levitating it over the water, dipping it under and disturbing the BITEY FISH, and finally lifting it back out now full of the precious precious liquid. Too eager to drink to wait much longer, the Hufflepuff snatched the goblet from the air and downed the contents. OH SWEET WATER. NECTAR OF LIFE.
Finally, he stopped, gasping and grinning.
"So much BETTER!" And repeated the process to get himself another drink.