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Old 05-24-2015, 12:21 AM   #11 (permalink)

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Default Charms Homework #1 - Post 1
Sassenach | RAVENPUFF | Sing me a song of a lass that is gone | bookDRAGON | #awkwardturtle<#

Zhenya followed the directions on the notice posted on the Slytherin board. Charms homework. She entered the Charms annexe to practice the spell against targets, and as she did she saw that they were moving targets. Not just stationary. OH BOY! Anyway, it would be fun fun fun. Practicing with paint filled balloons? How much more fun could you get? Well, if the floor was trampoline-d like it had been in class, that would be a lot of fun too, but she knew that would defeat the purpose of the targets. They could just jump and hit the targets.

Anyway... she pulled her wand from her robes and grabbed a paint balloon, setting it on the floor. She started for the first one, of course, and tried to line them up... even though they were moving. "A-lar-tay a-SEN-day-ray," she said carefully, brandishing her wand at the balloon. The balloon went UP, straight up, not even a warning. And HIT THE TARGET! Green paint splashed on the target and Zhenya did a happy dance. It didn't move!

always on the move
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