Hogsmeade trips were the very best. AJ looked forward to this time of year every school term. In a few years this would be one of the few places she would be able to see Adi. The thought of him graduating left a pit in her stomach. No, she was not going to dwell on this now. The lion was going to live in the present and enjoy the time she had left with him in Hogwarts. Besides, who could be upset and be in a candy shop at the same time? Not this girl.
"Yeah right. What am I going to do with only a half?" AJ would have that snarfed down in a second. Holding on to Adi's hand she made her way into the candy shop. AJ breathed in deep and closed her eyes. It reminded her of how her mom's sweet shop at home smelled. This smelled like home. Before long Adi was pulling her off to the side and AJ opened her eyes once more.
Feet were not on the floor. Someone had definitely taken a tumble. It looked like Adi knew who it was, and was helping the woman up.
"Do you need some chocolate to make you feel better?" They were in the best place for that after all.
"Sweets make me feel better."