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Old 05-23-2015, 01:48 PM   #7 (permalink)
formerly: PhoenixStar

Join Date: Dec 2011
Posts: 21,878
<--- Random | Funfetti | Lima Bean | Slytherpuff | PURPLE | Hoarder of pens | ALWAYS Severus

SPOILER!!: LOL, Zander
Divination. Gastromancy.

At this point Zander was positive that Professor Morgan was basically just making these names up. Zander could do it too. Like tableomancy. The divination of wood patterns on tables. Foodomancy. The divination of what your favorite foods say about you. Boredomancy. When thinking about divination makes you wanna fall asleep.

See? Anyone could do it.

But alas, homework wasn't an optional thing... Unfortunately. So here Zander was waiting to do it. Luckily AJ had agreed to work with him, so hopefully it wouldn't take too long to get through. They just had to figure out what stomach noises meant, right? Not too bad. Zander had done worse. Sigh.

It went without saying that the latest Divination lesson was her favorite so far. What other professor would let them nom until their bellies were full, take them to a graveyard, and then let them out fart each other to see what their futures held? Speaking of which, AJ still needed to owl her parents about what her farts say about her. Her mom did always say it would be nice to know what their money was going towards. AJ was just being a nice daughter and keeping her mom informed. Too bad there wasn't a way to send an actual fartogram. She could fart in a jar, but it just wouldn't be the same. Sigh.

The lion needed to get a move on because she was always running late, and poor Zander was surely rethinking asking her to work with him. Better not give him time to dwell on that. Making her way over to the lion table, she spotted Zander and flopped down on an empty seat beside him.

"At least we get to eat," she said as a greeting to her friend. Hello's were so last year. Was he ready because before making her way down here she already downed some soda and her stomach was already in a fit.
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