SPOILER!!: His Royal Bounciness! <3
Originally Posted by
Felixir HEHE.
It was a good job Adi had been READY for Toby, or at least was generally prepared enough for any eventuality, otherwise the two of them might have gone sploosh.
"Yep! It's meeeeee," the... apparently very hyperactive seventh year replied, still holding on. Appropriate greeting, right? Right. Definitely. Oh and HEY! He was getting a ride to his flag, too. Adi was cool people. "Thanks, man!" Toby beamed, hopping off the sixth year's back and SPLOOSHing into the water. It was cold, but not as cold as it had been this morning. NO BIG. "Yeeeaahhhhh... it may have slipped my mind." OOPS. But really, his memory was shocking, it was hardly surprising to Toby. "Right, let's do this. Accio!"
From the shore, Toby's ruler flew over to him, and he caught it in midair before turning back to his flag. After double-checking that that was definitely his name written on it, he stuck the ruler into the water, holding it up against the flagpole, exactly as he'd done that morning, and waited for the water to get as settled as possible.
It was more difficult during the day, for some reason, but then mornings always DID seem very still in general. In any case, as soon as the water settled as much as it looked like it was going to, Toby checked where the water level was on his ruler. HmmMMMmmMMmm... interesting.
Much like earlier that day, the seventh year marked the level on the ruler with his thumb (in case his memory failed him in the next thirty seconds or so) before picking it up properly and heading back to the shore. Toby looked over at Adi.
"Any interesting discoveries?" Basically he was asking how the measuring was going, ahem.
Hufflepuffs and their NEVER ENDING energy! Tobias’s high spirits put Adi in ann even better mood because it was THAT contagious.
“Gosh, you weigh a TON, Toby!’’ he kidded as his friend splashed into the water. Cue the fake huffs and puffs! LOL.
“You’re.’’ Huff.
“Welcome.’’ Puffff!
Chuckling to himself, Adi retrieved his own ruler from his pocket. His parchment and quill were in his bag but he would update his notes later. The important thing was to get the measuring done. As Toby did his own, the sixth year sought out his own flag. Locating it and after checking his watch to ensure that it was at least six hours and twelve minutes since the flag had been first stuck in the water, he held the ruler against it just as he earlier.
Adi peered closely at the little lines on the ruler, wanting to ensure that he got the correct measurement. You know, he was actually a little disappointed in what he saw. Even though he knew that there shouldn’t be much change but he was hoping there would have been.
He looked over at Toby. “Nope. Three point seven inches here. Point seven inch more than this morning.’’ Which would be a little over one and a half centimetre difference, yes? His calculations could be off. The Puffer made a mental note of his finding as he waded over to Toby, ruler back in his pocket.
“What did youuu come up with?”