Phase 3 (contined)- Bennny, Henric & Ilia! <3 ~ Mrs. Steve Harrington ~ It be like that sometimes.
With all four of them duplicating and binding, the bridge was in NO TIME as new. "GOOOOO, TEAM!" Adi grinned at Iliea. "Thanks! Right back at you!'' Now they had to move on to actually getting across. He eyed the bridge, having watched enough movies to know that the innocent looking bridge could be dangerous if the ropes snapped under their weight. But then again, they were thee wizards and a witch. They could save themselves if anything untoward happened... right?
But gosh! Ilia was brave! She walked right up to the bridge and actually slammed down hard on it with her foot. Adi was about to protest but Ilia had made a valid point. She was obviously the lightest. Oh yeash! The Levitation Charm! "Yeah, be careful but we haveyour back.'' Yep, yep! NO ONE was going to die. Sorry, forest. NO tributes for you.
Adi threw Henric a smirk despite the seriousness of the situation. Henric must be secretly relieved to know Adi cod manage that Charm as he had found out at the Treehouse. "Don't worry, Henny. I'm the maser of that charm.'' Hehe. Anywayyy, "After Ilia makes it over, Henny, you go next then Benny.'' He had to make sure the younger ones were over first as well as his bestie.