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It was time for the lesson to start. As soon as the clock struck 8 the doorm to the classroom/jungle slammed shut and basically vanished from sight.
What door? Was there ever a door? Are you really prepared to die?
The rustling thicket should draw your eyes over in time to see a Griffin patronus emerge. The voice of your transfiguration professor greets you in an ominious tone.
"Welcome to another transfiguration class. You don't know where I am but I am here watching you. It is time that I test just how much you have been learning and how much you have been reading." The voice paused and the patronus appeared to look them all over...just like Bellaire would.
Moments later little birds pooped down rolled paper at them with the instruction of what they were to do.
"You can either work on surviving this lesson with a team or you can go solo. The person who survives these course in the 'smartest way' wins. Note that smartest does not mean quickest, though you should bear in mind that this lesson is on survival of the fittest." Fittest minds..fittest bodies.
"I am watching...no cheating and no muggling your way out of this!"
ooc: When your characters are ready to start the actually obsticle course please label your tweet "phase 1..etc" so I may post the challenges and obstacles in response to your posts. Class rules apply for the most part so have fun and don't die! xox Looking up at the looming forest with her grey eyes, Ophelia tried to think of this as an adventure. It was like exploring, but with the actual chance of death if something went wrong. So it was like EXTREME exploring. Which was the thirteen year old's favorite kind of exploring. Being only about 5'2, her family was always laughing at her when she tried to be all awesome and cool, so being extreme was something the blonde prided herself on.
But what did this have to do with Transfiguration, exactly? Wasn't Transfiguration mostly like changing goblets into cats or bracelets into sweets and then eating the sweet bracelets? When did this class start involving her possible demise? Not that Ophelia wasn't okay with the INTENSENESS of this class, but it was a drastic leap, no?
And then her eyes caught the sign and her heart leapt into her throat. Hogwarts students die? Well that was a little rude, don't you think? The third year enjoyed being death-defying, but the actual thought of it was a little terrifying. She did want to be the second fatality in two years! Ophelia was only a kid! A kid who loved photography and board games! Who would take her out of the forest? Who would tell her friend Austin, or her family? Would her family go on? There were four other children, so there was a good chance they would. Would that make her an afterthought? She didn't want to be an afterthought. SHE DIDN'T WANT TO BE AN AFTERTHOUGHT!
Okay, she was getting a bit out of hand there, wasn't she? Collecting her thoughts, the Ravenclaw took a deep breath and listened to the Professor. Survive? Easy enough. She survived in woods before, even all night when she had gotten lost. This had to be the same thing, right? Although, the using spells part would be a bit difficult. Ophelia didn't pride herself on her knowledge of spells and such and so she wasn't quite sure how this would go. But Merlin's beard, she would try.