Post 1- Action!! Zebtle | Malfoy Minion | Chico | Jedi | Huffinator
Oh no oh was his group turn next! Henric reluctantly got up from his seat and went over to the stage. least he got the part of Loki...the servant maid it was turning back now. His fate had been set, time to put on the dress.He frowned slightly as he held out the dress in front of him. Could he actually fit in this?
No time to ponder over that, time to say out the lines. He put aside the dress and stood face front to the watching audience. His heart was thumping loudly against his chest, but the show must go the saying goes.
He as Loki awkwardly put his hands at the side of his mouth to call for Thor,"Come now brother! We must dress for the wedding! We mustn't be late or the land of our father's Asgard will cease to exist and the giants will rule!"...okayyy. Not the best of lines but it would do. Henric grabbed the dress and pretended to walk up the steps to their room.
He turned to llia/maiden maid,"Help Thor dress in the most beautiful bridal gown... uh...she"he paused and gulped," I m-mean he..must be adorn with precious gems and uh...stones to hid his man figure!" ...what?...