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Old 05-22-2015, 12:19 AM   #56 (permalink)

Tom's Anime love

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Default Post 1-Adi,Benny,llia...starting phase 2 after phase 1 as a team.
Zebtle | Malfoy Minion | Chico | Jedi | Huffinator

"Hello again, I'm excited alright!"Henric replied them with a broad grin. He was glad that he was team up with all his friends again. Time to start the adventure he had been dreaming of!

Henric followed behind the group, ducking under the low lying branches and jumped over small muddy puddles as they went. Ow... something bit him on his arm, he glanced down to see a mosquito sucking up his blood. The nerve of this little guy, Henric tried to slap the mosquito but it got away too quickly. Then when he looked up again, he was surprised that they were all swarmed by incoming mosquitos.WHERE WAS HIS MOSQUITO REPELLENT WHEN HE NEED ONE? Oh wait..he got his wand. As he was about to conjure up the birds as well, Adi and Benny had beat him to it.Good good! Time to say hello to the birds,mosquitoss~~
He helped as well by conjuring more birds too,"AVIS!"

He watched at the birds preyed on the mosquitos, delicious weren't they!? As soon as the mosquitos and locusts were getting smaller in numbers, Henric and the group continued walking towards the deep trail. His throat was getting parched after a long while. Oh look! A POND! Henric rushed over to the pond but stopped in his track.OH MERLIN! Piranhas!!!

No way he was going to put his hands in the waters.Uh uh..nope. Time to use his handy dandy wand again. He knew the perfect spell for this.
"Vera Verto!Vera Verto!" he casted for several times. He watched as each of the sharp teeth piranhas turned into gold looking goblets. NICE!

"Drink up! Everyone!"he offered to his group.
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