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Hogwarts RPG Name: Amur Neverwinter Fourth Year | ~ Rise and Rise Again, Until Lambs become Lions ~ So far, students were appearing rather regularly out of the maze. No dire mishaps of left was right and right was left.
Good. Text Cut: Individual Goodbyes/Responses SPOILER!!: Zeke Quote:
Originally Posted by Hera He HAD made some progress with the charm. But he needed to keep working on it. Perfecting it. He wanted it to be REAL, corpoREAL. As far as he was concerned, he was practically failing, and failing wasn't an option.
Where was Sabel? He needed help!
Hearing the man's voice, Zeke followed the direction to where they had started originally, and was disappointed to hear that they had to pack up and leave. This had actually been super fun, and deadly useful. Sigh. "Sa..... Professor Sabel," Zeke corrected himself, "... I think I still need help with this one, how do I know if I'm using the right memory? There are lots that are so similar and just..." yeah, WHICH ONE WAS THE ONE HE NEEDED TO FOCUS ON? "Or is it just me? I can get a shield happening, but it's not corporeal." Just another thing he needed to add to his list to work on. Sabel turned to Zeke's approach, a small smile touching his lips. "It'll take some time, and perhaps the right circumstance, to draw our your corporeal patronus. But if you have a sheild going," one of the big bursts of light perhaps, "then I'd say you have a really good memory, and you are well on your way to the coporeal form."
Glancing at a few passing students, Sabel thought for a moment before looking back at the kid. "Why don't you come grab me for some practice sometime, when you have a free moment in your schedule. I'll see what I can do to help."
Not that he was trying to convince the kid he wasn't out to fail him, but hopefully that helped just a little. SPOILER!!: Angel Quote:
Originally Posted by Harry174 Angel was scared very scared now, why had she chosen to do the maze, seriously she had misjudged this one and what was it with the saying if your going to fail you might as well fail badly, well she was going to fail in style by the looks of things.
Angel was getting ready to cry here it was dark and very scary in this place. "Lumos!" Angel decided that she wanted some light, once it was light she realised she was at a dead end, this was just so scary now, she turned around and walked around for a bit... luckily she seemed to be avoiding the Dementors for now.
Angel suddenly saw light... how awesome was that, cancelling her spell she went towards it and realised she was at the end of the maze. "Let there be light." Angel was shaking and she hoped the Professor couldn't see the tears because she was trying to hide them... at least she had done it which was more than she had expected... she had made it to the end which was an achievement for her. His attention was snagged by the young Valentine coming out of the maze. She looked rather...distraught. A dark frown was sent to the maze. Had he not put the charms in place well enough. Or perhaps, she was determined to get through it on her own.
Needless to say, he didn't like the expression on her. His otter patronus was by her side in an instant, bounding along in brilliant silvery light, doing a belly slide every now and then. "You did a fantastic job Miss Valentine. You should be proud."
And err...he was sorry if he frightened her? SPOILER!!: Toby Quote:
Originally Posted by Felixir All Toby was seeing was that frown. It didn't have to be huge for him to notice it, in just the same way that Toby's parents' sighs and frowns only had to be miniscule to make him worry, and same with Soph, and Ella, and even Botros, and... yeah. He quickly looked away, back to his hands that had at one point gone back to fiddling with the thread again. Toby concentrated on that, finding it more productive than to focus on the feeling that he had been the one to make the patient Professor Dakest frown. Isn't it ironic, how excuses on how you can't help yourself end up as excuses as to how you can't help others?
Toby wasn't sure if it was the words, or the tone, or the fact that these were the professor's parting words before he stood, or maybe a mixture of all three, but it hit him like a ton of bricks. He simply sat there for a moment, stunned into silence and stillness. And thank Merlin he was still looking straight down at his hands, because Toby suddenly didn't trust his eyes not to betray him in more ways than one.
The words were probably meant with the best intentions, perhaps to spur him into trying for other people's sake, but the only way Toby took it was as a sign of his total failure, and not the sort he could just brush off so easily. For reasons, Toby always put a lot of his self-worth into helping others. He was a Protector. And he'd failed today, because he'd tried to put his own needs first (which he very seldom did), and it hurt. It didn't matter that nobody had needed his help. He'd still failed. And now his sense of self-worth had just plummeted right through the floor.
The clap on the shoulder went almost unnoticed, but it did serve to jolt the Hufflepuff into action at last. As Dakest walked off to see to other students, Toby finally pushed himself to his feet. But rather than rejoin the main group, he walked quickly through the room, head bowed low as he ordered himself to let no tears fall just yet, and out the classroom door. Only when Toby knew he was clear of the classroom did he break into a sprint, down the corridor and out of sight. He had hoped that his words would flick some sort of switch in Fuller-Thompson's mind. As it stood, when he glanced back to check on the boy, all he caught was a blank space of the wall and the kid's back retreating out of the classroom.
A heavy sigh left him and he scrubbed the back of his neck. Some of these kids.... SPOILER!!: Brooklyn Quote:
Originally Posted by SilverTiger A bright mist burst free, still not anywhere close to a creature like the professor’s otter but much solider than any of her previous tries, and the lethifold fled. No, it vanished, and she abandoned her methodical approach to the maze. Running, she turned corners until she saw the exit. She’d found a memory, anyhow, but she was definitely done with this maze. She’d slowed down to a walk as she exited, though, just in time to hear that the lesson was over. Nobody had seen her lapse. Not at all. She'd gathered her things once she looped back around the outside of the maze, and exited with a nod to the professor. She'd just work on the spell on her own. And there was another one that looked less than happy upon exiting the maze. He supposed he couldn't really blame them. Even if they were just illusions, the Dark Creatures could be rather ... jarring. Apparently more jarring than he expected. Or perhaps, he had just forgotten what it was like to be a kid.
He gave an encouraging nod to Andrews as she passed by. "Good work today." many would be going to the Headmistress about this lesson? Another sigh. SPOILER!!: Xavi Quote:
Originally Posted by Presley Black He was just starting to worry that he was lost when the professor called out that the activity was over. He said to turn left, then right, and that would lead him out of the maze. Was that true for everyone? Everyone at different points in the maze? Well, Xavi took him at his word, made the appropriate turns, and emerged into the classroom full of people who'd made it out faster than him. Probably because they knew that stupid light charm. He would have to ask someone about that. Or read up on it.
Regardless of being practically last, he was out of the maze and that was what counted. Besides, he'd made barely-visible filmy stuff that in a year he hoped would be a patronus! That was enough of a thrill to keep him from being upset at his slow progress. He was relieved to see another student looking a bit more excited and energetic than some of the others that had come out. "Good work today, Mr. Fullmer." SPOILER!!: Janelle Quote:
Originally Posted by Daydreamer11 Following the Professor's instructions, she made a right turn at the next intersection. Still expecting something to leap out at her at any moment, Janelle kept her wand in a death grip. She kept walking until she was able to make that final left hand turn. Knowing that she was almost home free, Janelle decided to try the spell one more time. She thought her happy thought, made a circle with her wand and said, "Expecto Patronum" Her puff of silvery smoke was now becoming more like wisps that lasted just a little bit longer. She was not completely there yet, but she seemed to be making steady that was good.
Just a few more steps and Janelle found herself outside of the maze. Not a moment too soon. Once she was safely outside, Janelle stopped and took a moment to gather herself. If that was make believe, she hoped she never had to see a dementor in real life. Once her pulse had returned to normal, more or less, Janelle made her way back to the other side of the classroom. She gathered her things and headed toward the door. As she neared the exit, Janelle called out, "See you later Professor. I'll keep practicing until I get it." This was one spell that she could not wait to master. "Have a good day, Miss Guidry." Hope he didn't scare her too bad. "Let me know if you need any help or pointers."
Good to hear that the lesson would continue outside the classroom halls. Maybe the only thing he would hear from Truebridge was that there were suddenly a whack-load of corporeal patronuses running about the school, causing their own kind of terror. The thought made him smile. Now wouldn't that be something? SPOILER!!: Zhenya Quote:
Originally Posted by Jessiqua Zhenya made her way out of the maze, a huge grin on her face. But she did feel a bit tired. Maybe a sleep would be nice, actually. And as soon as she was out of the maze/labyrinth, Professor Dakest called an end to the lesson. Oh, so soon? Zhenya made her way over to where her things were and collected them, then walked past Professor Dakest. "Thanks for the great lesson, Professor. It was really... something extraordinary." It was, being able to practice, learn and cast the patronus charm. Sabel turned to Burton as she addressed him, his smile growing. Extraordinary lesson? Well alrighty then, he could deal with that. "You did a fantastic job today, all of you. Keep up the good work." Keep your noses clean. Don't make us save you from something. All that good stuff. "Enjoy the rest of your day." SPOILER!!: Hady Quote:
Originally Posted by SpiritWolfe Malfoy As she grabbed her things from the floor by the wall she heard the Professor state the lesson was over. With her bag in hand she returned her wand to its holder and waved to the Professor. "Thanks for the lesson Professor, have a nice day." Now it was time for a much needed shower. The third year got a warm smile and nod from him. "You did well, Miss Lynch. Have a good day yourself." SPOILER!!: Norah Quote:
Originally Posted by Sararara When Professor Dakest announced the end of class, the fourth year stood quickly with her packed bag already on her shoulder. Wand. Riiiiight. She squatted to pick it up, trying to remember how good it'd been when she'd dropped it for doing something right. Funny how that never happened in class. Norah held tight to her wand as she walked past Professor Dakest and gave him a small smile, nowhere near as cheerful as at the beginning fk class but it was okay. It was going to be okay, okay? She wasn't allowed to not be okay. It was a rule. "Thanks for the lesson, Professor." She paused and looked at him, a shy smile slowly taking over the polite one that has been on her face. What a nice guy. Reminding herself that it wasn't polite to stare, she slowly turned around and walked out the door.
She needed tree climbing time and she needed it now. The great hall simply wouldn't do. He had most definitely seen the progress made by Kittredge, and it made him grin from ear to ear. Or rather, it was her own, pure excitement that had him grinning like a goof. Dejection turned victorious. It was always heartening to see.
Though it was mixed with a note of unsettlement. Most of the students were hardly as happy as they had been at the start of the class. Were happy memories so...depressing? Really, he had to wonder at what went on in some of these kids minds. "Have a good day, Miss Kittredge. And fantastic job." SPOILER!!: Ethan Quote:
Originally Posted by Mordred Happiness. He felt genuine happiness as he watched his patronus roll over the place, and kept on sustaining that ‘connection’ with his animal guardian, and his happy memory, which now became his core. Surprisingly, he did not feel exhausted at all after casting the patronus three times in a row, as he let that blinding, white energy inside him supply his patronus. “I see...” obviously, he was still at awe with the recent revelation of his spirit guardian. But...a polar bear though? Ethan felt the need to ask WHY he got a polar bear for a patronus, but, just like what the Professor told them earlier, the differing opinion of his peers WILL corrupt his patronus. He didn’t want that to happen, thank you very much. What mattered at that moment was not the patronus per se, but the revelation of the power and strength of his memory. Ever since that fateful day, he knew that, for him, that moment was very special and sacred. “I have this...theory professor,” Ethan started as he watched his patronus give the otter a bear hug. “In order to sustain my patronus, I suppose I shouldn’t invest in connecting with it at it to make sure that it won’t go away, but rather, connect to it...emotionally...” Did he...make sense? “ masters and padawans connect even if they’re lightyears apart? They have this...sort of ‘bond’ invested in the Force.” Oh maaaaan. Did he go overboard? “Sorry, I’m nerding out. Let me know sir, if my patronus will stay behind...” he did not even wait for Dakest to respond, and just went on to shut his eyes and turned his back away from the man and his patronus. As he did so, he reached out to his guardian, the Force. “Did...did it work?” he called out. Folding his arms over his chest, Sabel watched the two patronuses interact with amusement. Now all they needed were a few more, and it'd be a patronus party.
His eyes slipped over to Mordaunt, the smile extending slightly. "I think that is a good theory, young Padawan." Cause really, Star Wars. He bit his lip to keep a 'the force is strong with you' response internalized. That would just derail them completely off topic.
He was impressed, to say the least, as the polar bear did say behind. "Working quite well Mr. Mordaunt. Why don't you keep practicing on your way to your next class?" SPOILER!!: Adi Quote:
Originally Posted by FearlessLeader19 The sixth year approached the Professor. "HI, Professor!'' Cue the excited shifting from one foot to another. Gosh, it seemed to have become his habit! "I'm here to take you up on that offer.'' Had it really been an offer? Adi saw it that way. Hehe. Anyway, he got down to the point. "I can hardly produce a wisp so I can use all the help I can get.'' He was such a lame duck. No, a lame badger but maybe Dakest could schedule something soon? Sabel turned to the approaching Rehman, a smile touching his lips. "You did a fantastic job today, wisp or no wisp." True story. "Stop by my office when you have a spare moment, and I'll see what I can do to help."
Merlin, he might need to enlist the help of Brown and Mordaunt. Set them up as tutors or something. He put that thought on the backburner for now. "Until then, keep practicing." As the last student left class, and all goodbyes were said, Sabel shut the door to the hall. For a moment, he turned and considered the maze. It looked bengin to him, harmless. But perhaps that was because he had created it. Hopefully, the students had learned something important. Even those that had proved less than enthusiastic about the lesson.
It took him a few minutes to disable to charms and spells that held the maze in place. Once it was all cleaned up and the hall looked like the normal practice hall again, Sabel left the room, leaving the door open for those students who wished to return to test their skills. --------------------------------
OOC: Hey guys! Lesson's all done. (Sorry had to cap it before work).
If you were working on a response when I closed the thread, please just PM me and I'll add it in 
Thanks so much everyone! Hope you all had fun! 
Homework will be posted either tonight, or Sunday night (GMT). Keep an eye out for it
__________________ I've got a fire for a heart._________________________________________________
I'm not scared of the dark._________________________________________  _______________________________________You've never seen it look so easy. |