SPOILER!!: Mutual Toad luvva <3
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Long sleeved clothing? Check!
Adi had made sure he had worn that because he figured that Bellaire would not play around with their safety? OR WOULD SHE? He eyed the jungle!classroom the moment he stepped in (and that SIGN O__O), wondering if he had somehow ended up in the wrong place. But noooo... looky! There were his friends!
He wavedat a few of them as he noisily stepped on branches towards Ilia. Hey, Toby, Lux, Zander, Cutty, Zhenya and you rest! Adi prodded his new buddy on the shoulder lightly. "Toad buddy! HI!'' Yes, the sign was totally weirding him out but he wasn't going to let that put too much of a damper on his spirits. Be POSITIVE, peoples!
Ilia was preparing to head into the course, when she heard a familiar voice and a prod to her shoulder. That boisterous round of greeting half the room, yup that was Adi. She turned around and smiled up at him. "Hello friend." He was always happy and forward.....as well as having a sense of adventure as she recalled.
She was pretty sure that this was the craziest that she had seen Hogwarts yet and maybe , perhaps.....it would be good to have a partner. She didn't see Henric or Leah yet and she had yet to partner with Adi, despite them being friends. "Care to have a stroll through a random jungle with me , fellow toad loving chum?" It was sure to be crawling with creatures, what better bonding experience than that for people like them?