Post 2 main activity Hala Madrid | What's up? | Live F♥rever | Nade ♥
Hugo wasn't scared, or so he thought, he was surprised. Yup. But why the spell hadn't work out? Maybe the thought wasn't happy enough? It should be because there was no greater happiness than getting food when you are starving.
He waited like 10 minutes before coming out, he needed to think again. Okay, he had a good one: watching his favorite soccer team win. Alright, time to scare the dementor. He took his wand out of the bushes and lighted up the place so he could see if the dementor or whatever it was, was nearby. Nothing was there. Good. The slytherin stepped out and started walking again, thinking of his happy thought. Man, Dante should be here to help him or at least for company. This labyrinth wasn't been very fun.
And then, the dark figure appeared again. He was sure it was dementor. Maybe.
Hugo was ready, happy thought in mind and wand pointing at the dementor. Dementors were really...intriguing. But he had no time to think about that. He had to cast a spell and do it right so he could tell his parents and Marigold. Hehe. He was going to impress her with that.
The dementor was getting closer and closer and his hand was shaking. He thought again about his soccer team winning and tried to feel very excited and happy and with a circular movement, he talked loudly "Expecto Patronum!!" he saw a glimpse of white light coming from his wand but it wasn't enough and started to ran. Again. It didn't matter if the dementor was fake, he didn't want a kiss from that thing.
__________________  SHREWD | DUTIFUL | UNYIELDING watching you, always watching |