WOW so much information!! Rusty capped the samples and put them on her desk, then sat down to scribble notes as fast as she could. She got distracted for a brief moment thinking about whether they'd let her use a biro and paper instead of the inky quills that
still managed to get ink all over her... but she eventually got back to noting things down from the blackboard.
Now... colours... well... her potion
was pink, which was awesome, but it wasn't particularly BRIGHT pink. Just a normal pink colour. She wondered if that was because she'd used the cocoons instead of the larvae, and if she could find something that she could add alongside the cocoons so that they did the things the larvae should have done. That's how you replaced egg or things in recipes, by finding a mixture of ingredients that did the same thing, so surely it should work in potions... maybe she'd try and find out about that some day.
"THANKS Professor!" For making it all cool and vegan for her so she could still join in. She cleaned up the rest of her stuff and took off.