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Old 05-20-2015, 05:47 PM   #302 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by FearlessLeader19 View Post
"Of course we could!'' Adi said. He was leaving no badger behind when they needed help. Nope, nope! "There's no need to be nervous.'' He gave Torie an encouraging smile which somewhat faltered in surprise. What, what, what?! Torie was already having some progress with the spell? Don't get him wrong, the older Puff was VERYYY happy for his younger friend but he wished he had had even that amount of luck with it. "Hey! That's awesome, Torie! It's better than what I've done so far.'' So how about a high five? Don't leave him hanging. Hehe.

Adi looked towards the entrance again, shifting from foot to foot. "Ready?" With another encouraging smile in Torie's direction, he led the way into the maze. They were only a few steps in but so far, everything seemed to be normal. "Keep your eyes wide open,'' he said, already on the look out for that fake Dementor or Lethifold and any other obstacle in their path.

He hopped over a pile of rocks, dodged out of the way of a boulder while all the while keeping an eye on Torie. Maybe that was why he failed to notice to notice a shadowy figure up front, about two dozen paces from the duo.
He relaxed just a little bit when Adi said there was nothing to be nervous about. No there wasn't....the professor said all they had to do was get some silver out, right?? Okay, and he had a prefect to protect him if nothing else! "Awww, you haven't?" he asked his eyes wide. But he was a prefect! He smiled and high fived him. "I want to be able to do one, I think they're so cool! My mum and dad both have patronuses and I want one too."

He swallowed and made sure his wand was firmly in hand and nodded "Ready." he said and nodded again. Okay, so let's do this! His eyes stayed open and focused on the task at hand. He followed Adi, hopping over the rocks and dodging the big boulder. Pushing aside a bush he was about to take a step and gasped pointing "There!" he whispered his eyes wide and pointed his wand at the dark shadowy figure.

Originally Posted by FearlessLeader19 View Post
Bound, bound, boun-



Adi promptly halted in his tracks when he noticed the shadowy figure, reading his wand. It was a dementor! Or a fake one anyway. He knew if it had been a real, he would have been feeling numb by now. Besides, Dakest did say 'It will be nothing like encountering the real thing'. But still, he had Torie to help out here. The other guy was probably still nervous.

Maybe it was because he figured Torie would be even more nervous about the dementor- like figure and it gave him motivation but this time around, Adi was able to produce a TIIIINY bit of wisp. "Expecto Patronum!'' The circular movement of the wand of the wand was done and it left him momentarily with his mouth open when the cloud of silver stuff appeared. Whaaaa! He had done it! WOOT!

Look at that 'Dementor' go running back to his mommy! Hehe. But gosh! He had produced something finally and it had NOT been his imagination. PROGRESS! Grinning like an idiot, Adi turned to his partner. "You alright, Torie?" Torie would need a chocolate frog at the end of the lesson. Yep. Adi made a mental note of that.
He made the circular movement with his wand thinking hard on when the sorting hat had declared 'Hufflepuff' at the same moment Adi did and said "Expecto Patronum!" NO! He shook his wand when nothing appeared. Not even the poof of silver this time. His shoulders dropped as he eyed his wand. "But...." He looked up "Well done" he said trying to smile. "It...didn't work..."