PHILOMATH ❅ not one atom, but two ♪ ♪ made of starstuff ❅ def main(): OKAY. He was ready. This is what he was good at after all, what he'd been practicing at home and at his old school. Evasive tactics and accurate spellwork while running around and dodging others. Or, as he preferred to call it, magical parkour.
The second the first spell went flying Benzi backed away from the group with his wand drawn out, on high alert. CONSTANT VIGILANCE, and all that. His teammates seemed to be dropping like flies and he curled his lip. Bad choice of team on his part. He refused to lose. Where was Gabe?
Looking around him to try and find a nice looking tree he could hide behind, Benzi caught Kitridge being hit twice with the bronze colours yet still shooting out blue. Did that mean the team heads didn't change sides? Good to know, because he had been meaning to target Sophie.
Speaking of Sophie, she and some other person whom he suspected strongly was Galloway - hello Tora, long time no see - shot their spells at him about half a second after he realised they were there and instinctively Benzi DROPPED to the ground and roooollllllled away. PHEW. That had been VERY very close. Too close. He'd gotten lucky. Scrambling to his feet, Benzi sprinted for the trees. Better luck next time suckers.
But now they'd be on the lookout for him, so he opted for a different mission; regain his fallen comrades. Keeping to the shade of the trees - mighty useful, his skin tone - Benzi tiptoed silently around until he was within pingo-ing distance from one Crazy Eyes, a miss Eden McGee. "Pingo blue," he murmured with a smirk, and scarpered off in case her reflex was to shoot a defensive spell towards the source of the attack. WAHOO did it hit? NO MATTER, he was already on the lookout for his next target. HMM HMM.
__________________ yeah I like tеlling stories________________________
but I don't have to write them in ink_____  _____________I could still change the end |