*snags you* Melly Bean | aussiegirl | a Supernatural freak Quote:
Originally Posted by natekka If Clara wasn't in her dorm, in the library, or by the lake, it was pretty hard to say where exactly she'd be. She'd taken to going for long walks, especially recently, as they: A) gave her the alone time she needed and B) got her away from people. It wasn't that she disliked people ... in fact, she'd become a lot more tolerant of people over the past year, it was just that .... her head was crowded with a lot of thoughts and feelings which often got too much for her to handle.
Today she'd decided a trip to the Whomping Willow was in order.
The tree intimidated her somewhat, but it was supposed to, right? Something that could easily physically hurt you was supposed to be respected and feared. So, she kept her distance. Clara reached into her bag, which she'd finally managed to charm with an undetectable extension charm, and got out her easel, sketchpad, brushes and watercolour paints, ready for a day of relaxation and painting. It was his last year at Hogwarts and he had still yet conquered the Whomping Willow. He had managed to duck and wave its branches over the years but he hadn't been able to actually ride its branches like he had wanted to.
Michael strolled casually by the tree trying to look for a weak spot just like he had done many times before. And just like before, he could not see anywhere that was weak on the tree. Maybe he was getting too old to climb trees anyway.
He had just circled around the tree and spotted a girl about his age standing in front of an easel. "Won't it be hard to paint the tree when it keeps moving?" He asked as he stepped beside her and gazed at the tree's flailing branches.
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