SPOILER!!: The cutie Janelle :3
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Daydreamer11 When would Janelle learn? You had to move quickly anytime groups were being formed or you might be out of luck. She had hesitated for just a moment, to survey the groups. Now it seemed that all of the groups had their maximum number of members. Janelle wondered if she should try to crash one of the established groups or not. She would run the risk of being kicked out by Professor Botros or the other group members.
It seemed that Janelle was not alone. She noticed two older students who also appeared to be groupless. She was pretty sure that they would not be excited to be in a group with a second year girl, but it wouldn't hurt to take a shot.
Janelle walked over to the boys (Benny & Kace) and made her plea. "Hi, I'm Janelle. Are you guys in need of a third group memeber? 'Cause if you are, your search is over. I'm a good actress, I promise. What do you say? Can I be in your group?" Please, please, please? Janelle gave them her most irresistable smile and crossed her fingers.
Once Kace asked Bostros about the groups, he realized he had one now. I mean this girl
Janelle who he had only seen briefly and Benny he knew from Adi and such. I mean they could form a group yes? I mean why not. He smiled at her and he was relieved to know she was a good actress.
"Oh sure I mean I don't mind you being in our group. I mean I can act just not that well. I will do it if I have to." he offered so Janelle wouldn't be the only actress and doing all the work. That wouldn't be fair. He looked at
Benny to see what he had to say.