Marsha and Evie Zing
That was so lovely... Rusty's friends were so GREAT. "Thanks Marsha. It's just weird not having everyone super close and available and stuff. Like we all live in the same three houses next to each other so it's just... strange." Yes, they were big houses, to house nine or ten people in each, but it was still nice and cosy sometimes, probably because there were 28 of them.
Rowan waved at Evie as she came into the room, then sat up from her position on the bed and picked up a box from her bedside table. "I like the lessons, but they go really fast and I can't always keep up." she admitted, holding up her inky hands. "And I still can't get the hand of the whole quill thing... I miss normal pens." Biros. Felt tips. That kind of thing. They were so easy to use and they didn't require her to dip them into a pot of ink that would inevitably get everywhere and make everything messy.
...Magical owls..? "Well then surely they have better things to do than deliver our post?" she said, opening the little box on her lap and taking out some little colourful stones. "Cause I bet they're really clever and stuff... did you know a group of owls is called a parliament?" She started to arrange the little stones on her bedside table... in the shape of a smiley face. "Cause they're smart." She'd read that in one of the old books on the shelves back home... "It's so cool how we're all in the same house." she said, poking a little blue stone into the place of one of the eyes on her smiley face. "It's like having an extra family." And Rowan was aaaaall about family.