be curious, not judgmental YEEEEEES! EDEN WAS TEAM BRONZE.
Sophie GIGGLED at being called a rascal and shrugged innocently, calling to the seventh year, "I prefer hellion." Because that's what Tobes called her. "Bronze is a good look for you, McGee." HEHEHEHEH. The prefect shot a THUMBS UP to Tanner from across the way - their excellent team work was beautiful - before darting out from behind her tree and hiding behind a massive rock instead, moving away from the blue team members that were trying to sneak her way.
She peeked out from behind the rock, calculating the remaining blue team member's moves and ducking behind the rock anytime paint bubbles went flying, then she heard it - Eden's casting of the spell, and Sophie leaped up, following her gaze to Kitridge. "PINGO BRONZE!" Sophie joined in the aiming for their Head of House and the paint bubble shot toward him - there was POWER in NUMBERS, okay? - then she ducked back behind her rock again when more bubbles went flying.
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