SPOILER!!: Cinna <3
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Cinna pulled out one of the balloons out of her bag. She couldn't help but too smirk as she turned it in her hand, Brown eyes beaming at the glorious sphere. She was still very proud of herself over this. She tore her eyes off of the sphere when she heard footsteps coming either up or down the corridor. Her first instinct was to throw the balloon at whoever it was coming up the corridor.
Squinting her eyes. She seen that the person was just Kace. So it was no big deal, honestly. She didn't look at him but returned the greeting. "Hey Kace." Still not looking at him. The lioness placed her glitter balloon back in her bag. Now she was looking at the Hufflepuff. She smirked but then shrugged it off. "Neither, Art project." Smirking She zipped her bag back up and patted it lightly. She hated lying to Kace but the less he knew the better. Hmmmm Art project this gave her another idea for something. "What's up with you?"
She laughed, "Oh, yeah. I did." Honestly who didn't? "Who in the world would come up with something like that?" Who ever it was deserved to pelleted with her glitter balloons. She had first hear of it by Emmy but wanted to read it of herself. It was INSANE. CRAZY.
He raised his eyebrows when she mentioned it was an Art Project. He didn't believe that for one second. I mean come on this was Cinna we were talking about. She must have something up her sleeve. He still eyed it suspiciously and said,
"Uh huh....art project my butt. You are up to something and I am sure I will know soon enough.." he grinned and he was gonna figure it out eventually. Maybe Emmy would know? Maybe he would tickle it out of her. Aaahh look at her being clever and moving the topic onto him. "
Aahhh I see what you are doing here, trying to make me forget it. It won't work my friend.." he patted her on the shoulder.
"Well I am doing well just exploring and I am glad I did because now I know what semi of your plan in motion is.." he shrugged and began to look around for more stuff.
When he asked her about the rumor, she obviously knew about it. I mean no surprise there right? That was an excellent question right there. "
You know I have no idea. Do you think someone has beef with Emmy or they are too scared to admit their feelings for me. I mean I already had one awkward encounter.." He began to explain to Cinna he remembered a puff named Annalecia Roman liked him and she kissed him on the dance floor like in his third year or fourth year and that was awkward enough because he didn't like her in that way. They were cool about it now.
"I mean besides that, I guess they are interested in my exciting love life with Emmy.." he winked. I mean it was exciting with Emmy and that was it.