Originally Posted by
StarShine [textcut=Rowan, Adi&Angel, Natalia]
Oh. A... vegan, wasn't she? And knowing the newt larvae lived a great life wouldn't help either, would it? And not because 'larvae' meant 'children' so they wouldn't be able to live a long life anyway.
Cosgrach didn't answer right away. Obviously he was calculating many things. In the end, he said "I suppose you can try it with... silkworm's cocoon..." But... honestly, it wouldn't work. Still, if she wanted to try it, he wouldn't hold her back.
"I'll tell you how many to add when we're at that step," he said - which could be interpreted as, 'Give me more time to think about this.'
Well, hadn't HIS students come a looooong way? NO mistakes and all of them seemed to be cleaning properly!
Cue a VERY happy professor.
"Cut the fluxweed leaves - and only the leaves, you can throw away the rest of it - in three pieces and add them. Then, with a clean wooden stick, stir once clockwise, once counter clockwise and alternate like that for 7 times. The total number of stirs should be 14. If you've done all correctly, it should be muddy but not smelly."
So, Rowan was not really on board with using any sort of animal by-product, but at least if it was just the cocoon then the worm would be done with it, right? So it would be kind of like picking up feathers that birds had dropped, and she was okay with that. It was the same with the boomslang skin right? Cause they shed it when they were done needing it, so that was alright? After thinking it over for a second, she nodded at the professor.
"Okay, I could do that. Thanks for understanding, professor." She gave him a big smile, and then started scribbling down notes furiously so she could catch up.
Right... RIGHT. She should start actually DOING this and try to catch up. So.... She needed to clean her cauldron first. Sure, it was still fairly new and so it was a NEW kind of clean, but she should do it anyway, right? She used the washbasin for that, since she hadn't mastered the cleaning spell yet. BUT she HAD been practicing Aguamenti LOTS! So she felt pretty confident with that, and pointed her wand into the cauldron.
"Aquamenti!" Maybe it was because she was confident now, but a stream of clear water came easily from the tip of her wand. She half filled the cauldron, then ticked off step one on her list.
Okay, now for a new spell. New spells were always tricky, but she was getting better with them. She used the tip of her finger first, without her wand, and mimicked the wand movement she'd seen everybody doing,
"Ap-toh press-soo-rah. Apto pressuuura. Apto pressura." She kept repeating the words to herself as she pretended to do the wand movement with her fingers, and then practiced it silently using her wand. Right. Good to go. Let's try this. Deep breath, Rusty. Aaaand...
"Apto Pressura." She drew a line down onto her cauldron like she'd seen everyone else do and inspected it. She wasn't sure if it had worked, but nothing had gone drastically wrong like the last time she'd failed a spell so she figured it must be okay. She ticked off step two.
....Heat up the cauldron. She still wasn't great on the fire spell... in fact... she'd barely made enough fire to light a candle the last time she tried it. She attempted it anyway,
"Incendio. Incendio. Incendio." But all she was getting was a tiny puff of smoke and a couple of sparks. Hm. She pursed her lips to the side in annoyance, but then decided to let it go and just ask someone.
"Hey... can somebody help me with this??" she asked, looking around the room hopefully... and quickly would be good too, cause she was still behind here.