A ship in harbor is safe — but that is not what ships are built for.
While the portrait was describing of Hogwarts during her time, Natalia listened in intently. It was interesting how according to Valeria's portrayal, Hogwarts had not changed much over the many years. Perhaps, all young people just act the same...IMMATURE. Natalia EYED the younger boy.
Natalia had no energy to listen to the younger boy rambling about his thoughts. NOPE. NOT LISTENING. Humming, Natalia attempted to block out the nagging voices and pretended to be interested in her nails. Maybe she needed a manicure...
In a way, this younger boy reminded Natalia of her younger brother. Just as annoying, nagging, AND WON'T STOP TALKING. GAHH.
All extraneous thoughts aside. Natalia's eyes opened wide as the secret passage revealed itself. "THIS IS SO GREAT." The fourth year immediately hopped out of her seat and stepped inside the frame. "Thanks Valeria!" Not just Ms. Portrait anymore.
Unfortunately, the boy was ahead of her again (UGH WHY?) and Natalia had to follow him technically all the away until they arrived at the other side, wherever the secret passage would take them. "MOVE IT SLOWPOKE."
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