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Old 05-17-2015, 09:23 AM   #86 (permalink)

Join Date: Aug 2009
Posts: 3,402
Dragon Geisha/Toni-Toni Chopper/Master of Chocobos Alpha Goddess/ Darth Devious /Davvy's twinneh

Ilia had been silent all class, standing still towards the back as she listened intently. The blonde teen had little to say in the matter of interest towards dark magic. She felt listening and observing would serve her better than trying to form a tangible opinion for the professor. Many of her classmates had the intrigue for the dark , to know it more than to embrace it. Some thought it might boast more power. Some thought perhaps you could use it for good. There were a few who could be sympathetic to users who simply fell into the dark arts and then there were those who were frightened or fervently condemned it. Such a mixed bunch her classmates were.........answers like bad boys were hot though, made her wish to palm her face on the professors behalf. Shame, he seemed like such a nice man.....Goodness what would her father have to say if he heard all of that? He'd probably cringe.....

On to something less inclined to produce disturbing answers from her classmates.......What did she know of patronuses? "The Patronus charm is an ancient magic whose origin we are uncertain. A spiritual guardian that requires both great concentration and a happy memory to summon. The tangible form varies between each witch or wizard and you will not know what form yours will take until you can successfully cast it." That was her summary, from utter silence to small speeches. That was just how Freya did things.
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