SPOILER!!: Sabel <3
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"Good morning Miss Hanover!" Sabel replied in equally bright tones. So far, the mood of the class had changed from suspicious to eager and dare he say, even happy? Good. This was very good.
The otter blinked at the girl for a moment, before scampering up her arm, around her shoulders and down her other arm, belly-sliding as it hit the ground.
"I'm sure some do, but I don't think it's very common. While it's a matter of preference, it's also a very personal...apparition and not quite the same as having a pet." Unless someone thought to tack a nickname onto it, to go along with his own. He nearly sighed, finding himself hoping the otter would remain nameless.
Once at the front of the classroom, the otter patronus sat, becoming suddenly still and attentive.
Sabel looked around at all the gathered students, checked the door and decided it was probably time to get the show on the road. Hoping off the crate, he moved to stand beside his patronus. "Good morning everyone. In case you haven't guessed, we have some interesting things to do today, so let's get started."
With a flick of his wrist, his wand was out and the doors to the classroom were shut. Latecomers would have to decide whether they wanted to join in or skip. What mattered to him, were the students currently gathered. He cast his gaze around at them for a moment before taking a seat on the floor in front of them, at their level. Crossing his legs, he considered the first row, and the faces behind.
"Before we get into the bulk of our lesson, I'd like to have a brief discussion. It's come to my attention through experience and various encounters, that the Dark Arts, Dark Magic and Dark Wizards are all found to be intriguing and fascinating topics, worthy of curiosity and exploration. Especially in the younger generations." As in, younger than him.
"Can I ask you why? Or if you might have any thoughts as to why." He glanced at a few of the suspicion bearing children. "These answers will not be relayed to any 'higher authority' or get you in trouble. I ask, because I don't know."
Fancy that, a Professor who didn't know something. Now students, time to enlighten.
Grinning wide, Marsha couldn’t help but happily smile as one of her favourite Professors welcomed her. What? She was happy today, not that she wasn’t most days. She was slowly getting over the weird feeling of missing her sister Alis and slowly growing more and more accustomed to getting decent sleep again. Hehehe.
Marsha let out a giggle as the otter moved up on arm, over her shoulder and then down her other arm. Ohhhh look at him/her/ze? go. So adorably cute. Darn, mostly no nicknames. Hmm, maybe she would just stick to mentally calling anything by a name then. She didn’t want to be classified as OVERLY weird… even for a first year. Heh.
Oh look, he was sitting on the floor with them. Awesome. She knew that Professor Dakest was cool.
Listening to everyone else giving their answers, Marsha continued to think about it. Putting her hand up, she gave an answer that she thought was different enough to the others in her class.
”Sir, maybe they don’t really realise they are doing it, until its too late? Like they do one charm or spell or hex in a situation where it is needed and then they think since they have already done it once, using it again won’t matter… Or they are using it to start with in grey situations, where there is no wrong or right reason… It might be something like ripples in water, from rain Professor? A tiny drop of water, that becomes larger and larger as its actions and consequences get shown; which would then require more magic to try and get out of which could spiral?”
…. Did that even make sense?