*sappysapper* MAJNOO, YO! SIXTEEN.
Noel could not believe it. It didn't feel different but still. Grinning because this was HIS day, Noel walked into the great hall. He was expecting mail. He always got mail but today it would be special. Since it always sucked that he was not home for his birthdays, this always cheered him up. It had become a ritual since he started hogwarts to start his birthday by reading mail.
He was a little EARLY though - the eagerness had dragged him out of bed and he had actually sneaked around hoping to not be caught by Benzi. He DIDN'T want to go running on his birthday, ok? Sweating was not fun on your birthday. Just no.
Sliding onto a seat, Noel waited for the arrival of owls with their daily mail. And just when he had started his breakfast, the owls swooped in. Noel grinned, looking up and searching for the owl from home. Sure enough - there it was. It swooped low and dropped packages on his lap along with multiple letters. He wanted to rip the letter from his mother RIGHT THEN but he knew he had to wait for one other owl.
AND there it was. The owl from his aunt and uncle. Noel grinned wider, as the bird dropped things from Aunt Emery and Uncle Quill. Just like every birthday. It was perfect.
__________________  ......................let's be reckless, unaffected, running out until we're breathless ...............let's be hopeful, don't get broken, and stay caught up in the moment ♥ |