♥s her SS family l Wifey is MINE | Naughty Niffler l Whittysaur l #awkwardturtle<# Quote:
Originally Posted by Jessiqua Zhenya was just coming from the library. She had her nose almost pressed against some past exam papers that Mr. Kitridge had given her to use for study. She was also cross-referencing her astronomy one with the book he had given her, looking up the key terms and theories. It was very helpful. VERY VERY VERY. She decided to plonk down on the floor, her knees pulled up, her new glasses pushed up the bridge of her nose... Making her way out of the library with a few books in hand, Lux was placed when she spotted a familiar face seated on the floor in the middle of the corridor. It had been a while since she had caught up with Zhenya and she liked the older Snake because she was always so friendly and easy to talk to. "Hey there! I like the glasses!" They were new, right? They sure looked it! Lux thought that they looked really good Zhenya, but didn't think that she would suit them at all. Fortunately she didn't need them, but she did like wearing sunglasses in the summer so that she didn't get blinded by the sun.
Joining her friend, she sat down beside her on the floor. If her clothes got dirty, it wouldn't be hard to clean them. |