#3 - 1 blue, 1 red Sassenach | RAVENPUFF | Sing me a song of a lass that is gone | bookDRAGON | #awkwardturtle<#
Zhenya decided to run to the other side of the platform. But then she thought best not to run, and power walked instead. She went to the furthest one from the edge, as she could tell anyway, and was DELIGHTED to see the wave trickle up, like it was attracted to her. Well it was, kind of. She was the moon, and she was pulling the tide! It was only a trickle sort of tide, and it washed away a blue sandcastle.
Very excited still, she walked quickly over to another one, no too far away, but wasn't really looking at where she was going. In a few seconds she found herself flat on her front. Good thing she was wearing pants and Wellingtons! She scrambled up, did a quick check to see if she had hurt herself and continued. Silly rock sandcastle. A GREEN one too!
The next one she stood in front of was sort of in the middle of the layer. Not too far away, so surely she would get a greater tide. She didn't, but she still got a tide. Perhaps the spell was wearing off? The tide came, hit against the red sandcastle and trickled the sand away.
__________________  EVASIVE | RESTLESS | MISUNDERSTOOD always on the move |