Professor Pink | Mrs. Bruce Wayne | I'm on a Goat | Glitterpuff | Dumbledore's Defense Squad | BHB Quote:
Originally Posted by kayquilz Eden sighed a little..."Are you scared of snaked, Headmistress? If you met mine--she's actually a real sweetie..." she said softly, in her most......innocent voice she could muster.
Was she going mad? Probably.
"My CORN SNAKE only eats...what I feed her...and she would NEVER eat a wizard. Ever. Most snakes you can have as pets don't even have the proper equipment to KILL people..." she said, sitting up straight. "But it's okay, Headmistress. It was just a thought....since...they're vastly misunderstood creatures. I thought you'd understand."
Ahem. "I am not scared of snakeD OR snakes," the Headmistress replied sharply. "I am simply not interested in bending the rules of Hogwarts for someone like you, someone who can BARELY manage to follow them as it is right now!"
And now she was getting irritated. Particularly with the I thought you'd understand smart remark. Annie was actually grinding her teeth to keep from saying something worse than what was already coming out of her mouth.
"You might think yourself responsible because you've been allowed on the Quill staff, but I doubt your capabilities as a pet-owner, Miss McGee. You seem to lack the foresight of a thoughtful and caring owner, just as you lack the foresight to THINK before you speak."
She stood then, as she saw her own pet coming into the room, and scooped Gingy up before he'd barely put a paw into the office. The redhead snuggled into her similarly-colored cat's fur and shot death glares at the girl from behind the safety of his claws. "Was there another issue you wished for me to address?" Or could she kick the girl out now? She'd certainly done the minimum required to humor her.
yeah, there's one thing about me that you should know________________________________  __________________________________________that I can't help from speaking my mind |