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The Korean guy couldn't help but surprised when Yoongi grabbed his hand. He noticed that his fellow lion looked slightly panic. What's going on? The Professor seemed strict but not that scary. He could see the difference between scary person and the strict but nice one.
Please tell me you're good at this subject
Jackson just nodded and grinned at him. He didn't lie, Potions was the only subject that he didn't fail last year... and muggle studies too. "Why?" He asked. Let him took a guess, Yoongi was horrible in potions, wasn't he? Well, just hoped that he didn't make his cauldron explode today.
He nodded! Jackson nodded!
Yoongi let out a breath of relief and finally let go of his arm. Why? did he really have to ask that?! Because admitting flaws was something Yoongi did not like. Because he was perfect, from head to toe.
"Why'd you think?" he whispered back urgently and took a glance in the Professor's direction. Technically , class had not yet begun but he did not want the man to overhear their conversation
. "Ok ok, i'm terrible at potions and i need to sit next to someone i can cheat off when things get drastic..you wouldn't mind right? please?" he rubbed his hands together in a begging motion.
"Or else i'm going to sit next to Leah" where was she even?