Thread: Potions 1
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Old 05-13-2015, 10:16 AM
StarShine StarShine is offline
Default Potions 1

The class is the same with the proper chairs with soft cushions to sit and lean back on, and they are still are charmed to take the most comfortable shape and height once a student is seated. The walls are still a soft, calming blue. There are one big, grey rubbish bin by the door and a white, porcelain washbasin with a tap for those who wants to wash their hands before/after the class and who can't perform 'Aguamenti' charm.

The door is open 15 minutes before the class time. Professor Culloden is sitting at his desk and greets everyone very cheerfully.

OOC: If you are going to RP your characer use the washbasin or the bin, you don't have to take Cosgrach's permission. Just assume he has granted it.

The class has begun, so please do not post your characters late!

Class progress
Hi&hello and two questions
Answers and first 3 steps
A few people and steps 4-6
A few of you and steps 7-8
People and steps 9-10
Last step and a question
Antidote discussion, last notes and EXPLOSIONS!

Potion progress: Emotional Change Potion
Text Cut: Potion progress
Effect: A half-dark potion that makes the drinker feel one of these emotions: Happiness, sadness, excitement, fear, tenderness, anger.

  • Two sprigs of lovage
  • 4 mistletoe berries
  • 4 measures of fluxweed
  • 2 measures of boomslang skin
  • Ten newt larvae
  • Happiness: 3 Alihotsy leaves
    Sadness: A teaspoon of glumbumble treacle
    Excitement: Half a handful of ferret fur
    Fear: A scoop of black flies
    Tenderness: 2 teaspoons of dog saliva
    Anger: 7 hippogrif feathers

  1. Fill halfway with pure water
  2. Slowly lower your wand as if you're drawing a straight, vertical line with your wand and say Apto pressura (wand movement: straight, vertical line onto the cauldron)
  3. Heat to 100 degree celcius and keep the heat at 100 and ONLY 100 AT ALL TIMES
  4. Chop the lovage well and add it
  5. Wait for 5 seconds
  6. Add the berries right after 5 seconds
  7. Cut the fluxweed leaves in three pieces and add
  8. With a wooden stick, stir once clockwise, once counter clockwise and alternate like that for 7 times: so the total number of stirs is 14
    CHECKPOINT: It should be muddy, but not smelly.
  9. Add boomslang skin and wait for 5 minutes
  10. Add the larvae
    CHECKPOINT: It should be completely clear like clean water
  11. Happiness: Add 3 Alihotsy leaves and laugh as loudly as you can at a happy memory
    Sadness: Think of the saddest moment in your life while adding a teaspoon of glumbumble treacle
    Excitement: Sprinkle half a handful of ferret fur and stir it as quickly as you can in the clockwise direction until the fur completely dissipates (usually takes 30-45 seconds)
    Fear: Squish a scoop of flies well in the mortar and add it
    Tenderness: Gently add 2 teaspoons of dog saliva without any splashes
    Anger: Throw 7 hippogrif feathers in as if you're angry at something and they are your relief

Extra notes
  • After completion, it needs to wait for a few minutes to mature.
  • It's a base potion, which can be stored for a year. The emotion to be decided after the creation of the base
  • The antidote is the base, which lifts the effect of the potion, so the person goes back to feeling whatever they were feeling before consumption. However, if a normal person drinks it, it makes them feel completely neutral and therefore confused. A full water glass of antidote is needed for full dose.
  • Full dose is half a water glass in any liquid.
  • Overdose is more than a full water glass in 24 hours. May cause severe emotional changes and/or only one emotion for an indeterminate time. SEEK PROFESSIONAL HELP IMMEDIATELY IN CASE OF AN OVERDOSE.
  • The duration of the potion depends on the brewer, but it's usually between 5 to 10 hours.
  • Colours are:
    Happiness: Bright pink
    Sadness: Grey
    Tenderness: Orange
    Anger: Bright red
    Excitement: Bright yellow
    Fear: White