½ EagleBrain ♥ Creeperdoodle ♥ Raven Dor ♥ Berry ♥ ½ Team House Elf This was easily the weirdest encounter he'd had, EVER, and that was saying a lot considering this was Hogwarts. And then there was THAT.
Would Hady tell him? "Of course," they were friends, friends shared things like that. But then... wait.. would she? Zeke paused for a second, his brows knitting together as he thought through the idea a second time. Mystery girl's additional comments only prompted him to think further.
Did he think something was off?
.. "She said she had to see Healer Murdoch," he confessed, though she did say it wasn't for her health. But if it wasn't for her health, then what WAS it for?
He could have sat and stewed with his thoughts for a while, but why bother when there was a perfectly good source of information sitting right beside him. Turning slightly so he was facing her head-on, a leg pulled up and tucked beneath his other, he pushed the pamphlets to the side, well and truly out of the way and officially DEprioritised. "You said you were looking out for her, looking out for her how? What do you know?"
He was perfectly calm, though a part of him was itching to grab the girl by the arm and shake the information out of her.
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