A Poop * k8 *
UPMOST was a word, right? Upmost? Eden didn't like the way Truebridge had repeated it back to her. Was she missing a JOKE? The Ravenclaw just flushed and Eden followed the ROYALTY up to her office.
Royalty all right.
Eden glanced around and crinkled her nose. "Your office is very...." Disgusting? "Pink." Great. Eden's least favorite color. She tried not to look at the stuff on Truebridge's desk because it meant Eden would have to think of her as a PERSON and not just as her headmistress. That would just be weird. Professors didn't have LIVES outside of school...nope nope NOPE. They most certainly did NOT.
Did sense an animal presence? She noticed the fluffy bed, empty, and peered around a bit...she did like cats..or..whatever Truebridge kept as a pet. You never KNEW with her...
__________________ "You can justify anything if you do it poetically enough." 
Roman Gellar ● 1st Year ● Slytherin |