Ahhhh, well. WELL. That was close enough, see? And Toby still got snaps, even though the first part of his answer was wrong. He grinned at Professor Cassie, quite satisfied with the praise he had earned.
Oh, okay. Now they really WERE going to find out what was meant by the 'darker' side, and Toby really did pay extra super attention now. Oh... 'cause... it had to do with dead people. That kind of made sense, yeah.
At the prompting, Toby got up from his seat and moved back with everyone else, in time to see the classroom change more or less into a... a... graveyard.
No no. No thank you. Toby wasn't too sure about this. Buuuut... he wouldn't make any judgements. He'd stick with it, yes okay.
Oh, oh, oH. This was like a MYSTERY. Toby had some suggestions.
"How about a STETHOSCOPE?" he piped up. Boy, that was almost as hard to say as it was to spell.
"That's used on bodies. Usually alive ones, though. And without six feet of earth in the way." Um. Hm.
"Maybe we should go graverobbing."