A Poop * k8 *
Well this all seemed easy and pleasant enough. And as Mr. Kitridge explained it all, she nodded, listened, and tried to figure out whose team she wanted to be one. While Sophie's team was....preferable, she also...thought it might be better to be on Gabe's team. A sign of maturity..and...she wouldn't want to hit Gabe with a paintball if she was on HIS TEAM. (Eden....was competitive.)
She stepped forward. "I'll be on Gabe's team--" she smiled at Sophie and winked as she stepped over towards him.
DId she talk to Gabe? DId she...whaaat? WHAT DID SHE DO NOW? Ugh. So she just cleared her throat and...tried her best to seem normal..."We can totally win this, Banner..."
Yeah, so normal.
__________________ "You can justify anything if you do it poetically enough." 
Roman Gellar ● 1st Year ● Slytherin |