SPOILER!!: zander might be a bit nervous... ahem
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Checking his sundial watch while relaxing on his sofa with a copy of Dune in his other hand, he nodded at the time and then looked over at his desk where two crimson leather folders waited for the two prefects to arrive. The astronomer could only imagine what must be going through their heads having received such instructions from his usual laid back self, but he had not meant to make them wet their trousers or anything. That was the sort of reaction he expected and reserved for an unfortunate encounter with the Headmistress. So...hopefully they were not panicking too much.
And hopefully Mr. Adair had put two and two together by now and figured out that he was a bit of a project for the Head of House.
Nodding again at the time - and because there was not a knock at his door just yet - the suited astronomer returned his attention to his book.
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Puck wasn’t that late when she finally made her way to her head of house’s office. She wasn’t going to be in trouble right? It had taken a touch longer to get back up all those flights of moving stairs…10:01 AM, she was dreading this.
She wasn’t convinced that she was going to be fired, not this soon in the year at least, or she hoped. Two bagels were steaming in her hand as she made her way up to the office. “Hey Zander,” she grinned as she lifted the steaming pastry the napkin still wrapped about it. “I brought food, you know so you don’t die” she shrugged as she made her way over to the door and knocked.
Yes, it was time now, to talk to Professor Flamsteed.
And food was a good help.
Maybe arriving early to pace wasn't such a good idea after all? If anything, he was just freaking out even MORE so than before. Merlin. And to make matters worse, it looked like Puck was running late!! Not by much, but his watch did say-- Eh, who's he kidding. Zander doesn't wear a watch. But his internal alarms, y'know. They were going INSANE. Where was Puck and why wasn't--
"Hey, Puck." Trying NOT to sound like a panicking lunatic thankyouverymuch. "Oh-I-that's really thoughtful of you," Would Professor Flamsteed be okay with food in his office? Was food good for a nervous stomach? Were Puck and Zander going to survive this meeting? Would they leave with their badges on?
ALL very good questions. Or well, Zander thought so. La la la. At least they were in it together, yeah?
The Gryffindor was quite relived that Puck did the knocking. 'Cause he was too nervous to knock. Would probably go a bit overboard by mistake. Ahem. And now, they wait.