Let your light shine || Be the sun || You're important. Always.
Come on door. Open. Open now.
Chance stopped in front of where he thought the door would be. He willed it with his mind to open. Then he saw it. A tiny crack. It was working!! Yay mind powers!!! But then Hayley's smiling face. Dang. He thought his mind powers were working. She gestured him in and he followed suit, looking behind him to make sure that no one was looking or following. Paranoid much?
Chance shut the door behind him and looked around to see what the room would be this time. He saw a piano and walked over to it, stroking the keys. He couldn't play but he sure did like hearing it play. Turning to look at Hayley he smiled. "Hey Hales. Funny meeting you here." She received one of the famous Chance grins after that comment.
__________________ You is kind You is smart You is IMPORTANT  Farah Dubey Seventh Year Hufflepuff |