Tyler climbed up the tower and entered the classroom and was stunned by what he saw, were they going to have a fancy dinner or something? Seems so by the tables that were set out and how there was food on the tables. Did those bits of food have something to do with the class? he wondered what if they did. So he gave the professor his bestest smile "
Hi Professor, Im Tyler, nice to meet ya" he greeted her before sitting down and seeing they had something to do before class had even started. His proudest moment? Nothing came close to the day when he got his letter, come on! who does not want to go to a school to learn magic!! So he decided to put that down.
There he had written it down, meaning that it was true and no other moment made him prouder. He again wondered what all this had to with the class. But he knew that the professor knew what she was doing, so he waited, silently.